Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Why Information Is Not Enough

Imagining British Columbia
Land, Memory, and Place

Sharon Pollock

Collective Creation, Collaboration and Devising
No Feather, No Ink

All These Roads
The Poetry of Louis Dudek

Irish Novels 1890-1940
New Bearings in Culture and Fiction

Interviews With Northrop Frye

The Lucy Maud Montgomery Album

Boccaccio's Naked Muse
Eros, Culture, and the Mythopoeic Imagination

Report on the Afterlife of Culture, A

Morley Callaghan: Essays, Reviews, Meditations and Talks

From Cohen to Carson
The Poet's Novel in Canada
Renaissance Comedy - The Italian Masters Volume 1

Mordecai Richler
Leaving St Urbain

Figuring the Feminine
The Rhetoric of Female Embodiment in Medieval Hispanic Literature

Editing Modernity
Women and Little-Magazine Cultures in Canada, 1916-1956

Notes on the written word

Les Belles Étrangères
Canadians in Paris

Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Literature
An Analytic Approach

From Mushkegowuk to New Orleans
A Mixed Blood Highway

The Ivory Thought
Essays on Al Purdy

The Creator as Critic and Other Writings by E.M. Forster

Woman as Fire, Woman as Sage
Sexual Ideology in the Mah—bh—rata