Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Women Novelists Before Jane Austen
The Critics and Their Canons

The Unpolitical
On the Radical Critique of Political Reason

English Biography in the Seventeenth Century
A Critical Survey

The Concise Canadian Writer's Handbook

Scandalous Bodies
Diasporic Literature in English Canada

"Ethnic," Multicultural, and Intercultural Theatre

Theatre Histories

Design and Scenography

Developing Nation
New Play Creation in English-Speaking Canada

Taking Back Our Spirits
Indigenous Literature, Public Policy, and Healing

Sanity, Madness, Transformation
The Psyche in Romanticism

Mobility of Light
The Poetry of Nicole Brossard

Between Languages and Cultures
Colonial and Postcolonial Readings of Gabrielle Roy

Under Conrad's Eyes
The Novel as Criticism

On Murder


Second Person Queer

Elizabeth Bishop's Poetics of Description

The Critical Path and Other Writings on Critical Theory, 1963-1975

Imagining Justice
The Politics of Postcolonial Forgiveness and Reconciliation

The System of Comics

Mary and The Wrongs of Woman

In Bed with the Word
Reading, Spirituality, and Cultural Politics