Browse Books in Law

Inheritance in Ontario
Wills and Other Records for Family Historians

Understanding Financial Statements

Prenuptial Guide
Contracts for Lovers

Special Lectures 2012
Employment Law and the New Workplace in the Social Media Age

Special Lectures 2012
Employment Law and the New Workplace in the Social Media Age

Another Country, Another Life
Calumny, Love, and the Secrets of Isaac Jelfs

Negotiating the Deal
Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements in Canada

Breathing Life into the Stone Fort Treaty
An Anishnabe Understanding of Treaty One

Lawyers, Families, and Businesses
The Shaping of a Bay Street Law Firm, Faskens 1863-1963

Lawyers, Families, and Businesses
The Shaping of a Bay Street Law Firm, Faskens 1863-1963

“Don’t Be So Gay!”
Queers, Bullying, and Making Schools Safe
The Beginnings of English Law

Unjust by Design
Canada’s Administrative Justice System

The Struggle for Canadian Copyright
Imperialism to Internationalism, 1842-1971
The Prenuptial Guide
Contracts for Lovers

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 49, 2011

Bank and Customer Law in Canada, 2/e

Constitutional Law, 4/e

Time in Time
Short Poems, Long Poems, and the Rhetoric of North American Avant-Gardism, 1963-2008

Blackstone's Guide to the Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Design of Competition Law Institutions
Global Norms, Local Choices

Canada's Constitutional Revolution

Intercultural Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts

Stikeman Elliott
New Millennium, New Paradigms Volume 2