Browse Books in Law

Law, Ideology, and Collegiality
Judicial Behaviour in the Supreme Court of Canada

Constitutional Labour Rights in Canada
Farm Workers and the Fraser Case

Canadian Family Wills Kit

Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Changes of Corporate Control, 2/e

Criminal Procedure, 2/e

Why Good Lawyers Matter

Estate Planning for the Blended Family

Probate Kit for Ontario
Everything you need to probate an estate

Courts, Litigants and the Digital Age
Law, Ethics and Practice

Discovering Indigenous Lands
The Doctrine of Discovery in the English Colonies

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 48, 2010

Postcolonial Sovereignty?
The Nisga’a Final Agreement

Law Firm Recruitment in Canada, 2/e
Job Search Advice for Law Students and Associates

Fundamental Justice
Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Income Tax Law, 2/e

Tax This!
An Insider's Guide to Standing up to the IRS

Write Your Legal Will in 3 Easy Steps - US
Everything you need to write a legal will

The Freedom of Security
Governing Canada in the Age of Counter-Terrorism

Judging Homosexuals
A History of Gay Persecution in Quebec and France
The Politics of Law in Late Medieval & Renaissance Italy
Forty Years On

Comparative Law as Transnational Law
A Decade of the German Law Journal

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume II
Volume II

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume III
Nova Scotia

Knowledge Policy for the Twenty-First Century
A Legal Perspective