Browse Books in Law

Polygamy's Rights and Wrongs
Perspectives on Harm, Family, and Law

The Heiress vs the Establishment
Mrs. Campbell's Campaign for Legal Justice

Polygamy’s Rights and Wrongs
Perspectives on Harm, Family, and Law

Married Women and the Law
Coverture in England and the Common Law World

Canadian Criminal Records
And how to start fresh

Understanding Bail in Canada

The McGill Law Journal: 60 Years of People, Prose and Publication

The Equal Parent Presumption
Social Justice in the Legal Determination of Parenting after Divorce

Mediation for Civil Litigators
Issues and Solutions

The Civil Courtroom
Professionalism to Build Rapport

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume XI
Quebec and the Canadas

How the Bathurst Tragedy Ignited a Crusade for Change

To Right Historical Wrongs
Race, Gender, and Sentencing in Canada

Sovereign Choices and Sovereign Constraints
Judicial Restraint in Investment Treaty Arbitration

Pension Law, 2/e

The Nature of Empires and the Empires of Nature
Indigenous Peoples and the Great Lakes Environment

The Secret Power of Juries
What jurors in Canada aren't being told about their rights -- and what we can do about it

The Role of Climate Change in Global Economic Governance

Do We Need A Marriage Contract?
Understanding How a Legal Agreement Can Strengthen Your Life Together

Do We Need A Cohabitation Agreement?
Understanding How a Legal Contract Can Strengthen Your Life Together
Canadian Family Law 5/e

Lord Mansfield
Justice in the Age of Reason

Game-Day Gangsters
Crime and Deviance in Canadian Football

Death or Deliverance
Canadian Courts Martial in the Great War