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Browse Books in Language Arts & Disciplines

Cabin Fever

The Best New Canadian Non-Fiction

edited by Moira Farr & Ian Pearson
introduction by Marni Jackson

Études sur la traduction de l’anglais

by (author) G.M. de Rochmondet
introduction and notes by Benoit Léger

The Concise Canadian Writer's Handbook: Student Workbook

by (author) William E. Messenger, Jan de Bruyn, Judy Brown, Ramona Montagnes & Peter J.W. Chambers

Lire le monde

Les littératies multiples et l’éducation dans les communautés francophones

edited by Diana Masny

The Prodigal Tongue

Dispatches from the Future of English

by (author) Mark Abley

D’un islam textuel vers un islam contextuel

La traduction du Coran et la construction de l’image de la femme

by (author) Naïma Dib

Pell Mell

by (author) Robin Blaser

Interpersonal Communication

by (author) Carol Corbin & Dawn White

Making Wawa

The Genesis of Chinook Jargon

by (author) George Lang

Words and Thoughts

Subsentences, Ellipsis, and the Philosophy of Language

by (author) Robert Stainton

Ambitions Tamed

Urban Expansion in Pre-revolutionary Lyon

by (author) Pierre Claude Reynard

Apprendre à traduire, troisième édition

Cahier d'exercices pour l'apprentissage de la traduction français-anglais anglais-français

by (author) Valentine Watson Rodger

Le Complexe d’Hermès

Regards philosophiques sur la traduction

by (author) Charles Le Blanc

Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago

On Historical Principles

by (author) Lise Winer

Le Droit de traduire

Une politique culturelle pour la mondialisation

by (author) Salah Basalamah

The Elements of Great Public Speaking

How to Be Calm, Confident, and Compelling

by (author) Lyman MacInnis

Building Media Relationships

by (author) Susan Sommers

Computer-Assisted Reporting

A Comprehensive Primer

by (author) Fred Vallance-Jones & David McKie

Effective Communication for the Technical Professions

by (author) Jennifer MacLennan

The Surface of Meaning

Books and Book Design in Canada

by (author) Robert Bringhurst

Tense and Aspect in Bantu

by (author) Derek Nurse

The Bias of Communication

by (author) Harold A. Innis

De interpretatione recta - De la traduction parfaite

by (author) Leonardo Bruni
translated by Charles Le Blanc

Language, Society, and Culture

Introducing Anthropological Linguistics

by (author) Marcel Danesi

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