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Browse Books in Pre-confederation (to 1867)

Moving Natures

Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History

edited by Ben Bradley & Colin M. Coates
contributions by Jay Young, Thomas Peace, Jim Clifford, Judy Burns, Ken Cruikshank, Andrew Watson, Merle Massie, Daniel Macfarlane, Tor H. Oiamo, Don Lafreniere, Joy Parr, J.I. Little, Jessica Dunkin, Elizabeth L. Jewett, Elsa Lam & Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert

Moving Natures

Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History

edited by Ben Bradley & Colin M. Coates
contributions by Jay Young, Thomas Peace, Jim Clifford, Judy Burns, Ken Cruikshank, Andrew Watson, Merle Massie, Daniel Macfarlane, Tor H. Oiamo, Don Lafreniere, Joy Parr, J.I. Little, Jessica Dunkin, Elizabeth L. Jewett, Elsa Lam & Maude-Emmanuelle Lambert

The Seven Oaks Reader

by (author) Myrna Kostash

Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire

Colonial Relations, Humanitarian Discourses, and the Imperial Press

by (author) Kenton Storey

Seven Oaks Reader, The

by (author) Myrna Kostash

Canada and the Third World

Overlapping Histories

edited by Karen Dubinsky, Sean Mills & Scott Rutherford

Principles and Gerrymanders

Parliamentary Redistribution of Ridings in Ontario, 1840-1954

by (author) George Emery

North to Bondage

Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes

by (author) Harvey Amani Whitfield

Written in the Ruins

Cape Breton Island’s Second Pre-Columbian Chinese Settlement

by (author) Paul Chiasson

The Terror of the Coast

Land Alienation and Colonial War on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, 1849-1863

by (author) Chris Arnett

Sir Francis Bond Head

A Narrative

edited by S.F. Wise
notes by William Lyon Mackenzie

White Men Came to the St. Lawrence

The French and the Land They Found

by (author) Morris Bishop

Frontenac, the Courtier Governor

by (author) W.J. Eccles

The Reciprocity Treaty of 1854

Its History, Its Relation to British Colonial and Foreign Policy and to the Development of Canadian Fiscal Autonomy

by (author) Donald C. Masters

Lord Durham's Mission to Canada

A Biography of John George Lambton, First Earl of Durham

by (author) Chester New

Church and State in Canada, 1627-1867

Basic documents

edited by John S. Moir

Montreal and the Fur Trade

by (author) E.E. Rich

The Neutral Yankees of Nova Scotia

A Marginal Colony During the Revolutionary Years

by (author) John Bartlet Brebner
introduction by W.S. MacNutt

The Canadian Commercial Revolution, 1845-1851

by (author) Gilbert Norman Tucker
edited by Hugh G.J. Aitken

Principles and Gerrymanders

Parliamentary Redistribution of Ridings in Ontario, 1840-1973

by (author) George Emery

The Constitutions that Shaped Us

A Historical Anthology of Pre-1867 Canadian Constitutions

edited by Guy Laforest, Eugénie Brouillet & Alain-G Gagnon

Through an Unknown Country

The Jarvis-Hanington Winter Expedition through the Northern Rockies, 1874–1875

by (author) Mike Murtha & Charles Helm

Uncharted Waters

The Explorations of Jose NarvAez (1768-1840)

by (author) Jim McDowell

Driv'n by Fortune

The Scots' March to Modernity in America, 1745–1812

by (author) Sam Allison

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