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Browse Books in Pre-confederation (to 1867)

Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 1

Settlement and Governance, 1812-1872

by (author) Dale Gibson

Hector Maclean: The Writings of a Loyalist-Era Military Settler in Nova Scotia

by (author) Jo Currie, Keith Mercer & John G. Reid

Through an Unknown Country

The Jarvis–Hanington Winter Expedition through the Northern Rockies, 1874–1875

by (author) Mike Murtha & Charles Helm

The Charlottetown Conference

by (author) Deirdre Kessler & Douglas Baldwin

American Loyalists to New Brunswick

The ship passenger lists

by (author) David Bell

A Short History of Fredericton

by (author) Dan Soucoup

The Charlottetown Conference

And the Birth of Confederation

by (author) Deirdre Kessler & Douglas Baldwin

British Columbia and Yukon Gold Hunters

A History in Photographs

by (author) Donald E. Waite
foreword by Iona Campagnolo

The Jewish Oil Magnates of Galicia

Part One: The Jewish Oil Magnates: A History, 1853-1945 by Valerie Schatzker; Part Two: The Jewish Oil Magnates, A Novel by Julien Hirszhaut, Translated by Miriam Beckerman, Edited by Valerie Schatzker

by (author) Valerie Schatzker

Canada under Attack

Irish-American veterans of the Civil War and their Fenian campaign to conquer Canada

by (author) Cheryl MacDonald

Murder in the Family

The Dr. King Story

by (author) Dan Buchanan

The Jewish Oil Magnates of Galicia

Part One: The Jewish Oil Magnates: A History, 1853-1945 by Valerie Schatzker; Part Two: The Jewish Oil Magnates, A Novel by Julien Hirszhaut, Translated by Miriam Beckerman, Edited by Valerie Schatzker

edited by Valerie Schatzker
by (author) Julien Hirszhaut
translated by Miriam Beckerman
foreword by Anthony Polonsky

Why Did We Choose to Industrialize?

Montreal, 1819-1849

by (author) Robert C.H. Sweeny

Beyond Brutal Passions

Prostitution in Early Nineteenth-Century Montreal

by (author) Mary Anne Poutanen

The Queen at the Council Fire

The Treaty of Niagara, Reconciliation, and the Dignified Crown in Canada

by (author) Nathan Tidridge

Law, Life, and Government at Red River, Volume 2

General Quarterly Court of Assiniboia, Annotated Records, 1844-1872

by (author) Dale Gibson
foreword by Jim Phillips

The Toronto Carrying Place

Rediscovering Toronto's Most Ancient Trail

by (author) Glenn Turner

New Perspectives on the Gold Rush

edited by Kathryn Bridge

The Writings of David Thompson, Volume 2

The Travels, 1848 Version, and Associated Texts

by (author) William E. Moreau

De Cosmos Enigma, The

by (author) Gordon Hawkins

Imprinting Britain

Newspapers, Sociability, and the Shaping of British North America

by (author) Michael Eamon

Imprinting Britain

Newspapers, Sociability, and the Shaping of British North America

by (author) Michael L. Eamon

Unravelling the Franklin Mystery

Inuit Testimony

by (author) David C. Woodman

Consumers in the Bush

Shopping in Rural Upper Canada

by (author) Douglas McCalla

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