Browse Books in Pre-confederation (to 1867)
The Arthur Papers
Volume 2 (Jan 1839-Mar 1840)

Canada's Odyssey
A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests

Solemn Words and Foundational Documents
An Annotated Discussion of Indigenous-Crown Treaties in Canada, 1752-1923

British Emigration to British North America
The First Hundred Years (Revised and Enlarged Edition)

Pioneer Arts and Crafts

Pioneer Days in Upper Canada

The Great Migration (Second Edition)

Wolfe and Montcalm

The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada before 1820

Select Documents in Canadian Economic History 1783-1885

The Last Cannon Shot
A Study of French-Canadian Nationalism 1837-1850

Movements of Political Protest in Canada 1640-1840

Pioneer Public Service
An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 1841-1867

Founder of Quebec, Father of New France

Pioneer Settlements in Upper Canada

The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700
A Study in Canadian Civilization, Second Edition

Land Policies of Upper Canada

Early Life in Upper Canada

The Pioneer Farmer and Backwoodsman
Volume Two

Alignment of Political Groups in Canada 1841-67

History of Agriculture in Ontario 1613-1880

The Lives and Times of the Patriots
An Account of the Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838 and of the Patriot Agitation in the United States, 1837-1842