Browse Books in General

Nationalism, Capitalism, and Colonization in Nineteenth-Century Quebec
The Upper St Francis District

Seafaring Labour
The Merchant Marine of Atlantic Canada, 1820-1914

Canada's Heritage in Scotland
Liberation Deferred?
The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists
The Ghostland People

No Hay Fever and a Railway
Summers in St. Andrews

The Collected Letters of Sir Charles G.D. Roberts

Pioneer Buildings of British Columbia
The Rise of French New Brunswick
Britain's Past in Canada
The Teaching and Writing of British History
Journals of George M. Dawson, Volume 1
British Columbia 1875-1876
Journals of George M. Dawson, Volume 2
British Columbia 1877-1878

Regina: An Illustrated History

The Rectory Murder
The Mysterious Crime that Shocked Turn-of-the-Century New Brunswick

The Modern North
People, Politics and the Rejection of Colonialism

This Unfriendly Soil
The Loyalist Experience in Nova Scotia, 1783-1791

McMaster Meighan History

Royal Spring
The Royal Tour of 1939 and the Queen Mother in Canada

The Queen Charlotte Islands Vol. 1

The Queen Charlotte Islands Vol. 3
The Beloved Island

The Queen Charlotte Islands Vol. 2
Of Places and Names

The Cold Light of Dawn
A History of Canadian Astronomy

Canadian Economic History