Browse Books in General

Fraser Canyon Story

Canadian by Choice

Richard Hatfield
The Seventeen Year Saga

Bandits and Privateers
Canada in the Age of Gunpowder

Canadian Perspectives on Law and Society
Issues in Legal History

Political Thought of Lord Durham

Coldest Harbour in the Land
Simon Stock and Lord Baltimore's Colony in Newfoundland, 1621-1649

Selling Out
Four Years of the Mulroney Government

Island in the Creek

Ideologies in Quebec
The Historical Development

The Politics of Canada's Airlines from Diefenbaker to Mulroney

Witness Against War
Pacifism in Canada, 1900-1945
Canadian Criminal Justice History
An Annotated Bibliography

The Fiercest Debate
Cecil A Wright, the Benchers, and Legal Education in Ontario 1923-1957

General Sir Arthur Currie
A Military Biography

The Fiercest Debate
Cecil A Wright, the Benchers, and Legal Education in Ontario 1923-1957

General Sir Arthur Currie
A Military Biography

Contours of Canadian Thought

Democracy in Kingston
A Social Movement in Urban Politics, 1965-1970
The Bank of Upper Canada

Bank of Upper Canada
The Lion, the Eagle, and Upper Canada
A Developing Colonial Ideology

Lion, the Eagle, and Upper Canada
A Developing Colonial Ideology
The Jews of Toronto
A History to 1937