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Artifacts from "A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada" / Objets de l'exposition "La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada"

by (author) Sandra Morton Weizman

Helen Dawe's Sechelt

by (author) Helen Dawe

Raincoast Chronicles 12

edited by Howard White

Keepers of the Light

by (author) Donald Graham

How Britain's Economic, Political, and Military Weakness Forced Canada into the Arms of the United States

The 1988 Joanne Goodman Lectures

by (author) J.L. Granatstein

Canada Since 1945

Revised Edition

by (author) Robert Bothwell, Ian Drummond & John English

Development of the Pacific Salmon-Canning Industry

A Grown Man's Game

by (author) Diane Newell

The Odyssey of John Anderson

by (author) Patrick Brode

Johan Schrøder's Travels in Canada, 1863

by (author) Orm Overland

Promoters, Patriots, and Partisans

Historiography in Nineteenth-Century English Canada

by (author) M. Brook Taylor

English River Book

A North West Company Journal and Account Book of 1786

by (author) Harry W. Duckworth

The English River Book

A North West Company Journal and Account Book of 1786

by (author) Harry W. Duckworth

Empire Of The Bay

by (author) Peter C. Newman

Arctic Memories

by (author) Normee Ekoomiak

Blue Nose Master

The Memoirs of Captain Ernest K. Hartling

by (author) Ernest K. Hartling
other Jo Kranz

Elizabeth Posthuma Simcoe 1762-1850

A Biography

by (author) Mary Beacock Fryer

Beyond the Vote

Canadian Women and Politics

edited by Linda Kealey & Joan Sangster

Lost Mines & Historic Treasures

In British Columbia

by (author) Bill Barlee

Growing Up in the Oil Patch

by (author) John Schmidt

Découvrons Notre Patrimoine

Guide des plaques historiques de l'Ontario

edited by Mary Ellen Perkins
translated by Nicole Andre

Discover Your Heritage

A Guide to Provincial Plaques in Ontario

edited by Mary Ellen Perkins

Historical Essays on Upper Canada

New Perspectives

by (author) Bruce G. Wilson & J.K. Johnson

Northern Shadows

Canadians in Central America

by (author) Peter McFarlane

How Britain's Economic, Political, and Military Weakness Forced Canada into the Arms of the United States

The 1988 Joanne Goodman Lectures

by (author) J.L. Granatstein

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