Browse Books in History

Renewing Our Days
Montreal Jews in the 20th Century

Lasting Impressions
A Short History of English Publishing in Quebec
I Volunteered
Canadian Vietnam Vets Remember

Passionate Debate, The
The Social and Politcal Ideas of Quebec Nationalism 1920-1945
Inuit Art
An Anthology

Last Steps To Freedom
The Evolution of Canadian Racism
Gold Diggers of the Klondike
Prostitution in Dawson City, Yukon, 1898-1908
Watch the Rope

Religion and Nationality in Western Ukraine
The Greek Catholic Church and the Ruthenian National Movement in Galicia, 1870-1900

The Cultural Politics of Fur

Historic Dartmouth

Building the Bridge to PEI

Tracking Treasure
Historic Guide to Ross Bay Cemetery
Gabriola: Petroglyph Island

Vancouver's Society of Italians

Guiding Lights
BC's Lighthouses and Their Keepers
Maritime Book of Days, The
Land of the Red Soil

Exploring the Big Salmon River
Quiet Lake to the Yukon River

The Story of a Victorian Neighbourhood

Warplanes to Alaska

Exp the Upper Yukon River Carmacks to DC
Carmacks to Dawson City

Hell Island
Canadian Pilots and the 1942 Air Battle for Malta