Browse Books in History

1000 Questions About Canada
Places, People, Things and Ideas, A Question-and-Answer Book on Canadian Facts and Culture

Blood, Sweat, and Cheers
Sport and the Making of Modern Canada

Great Peace of Montreal of 1701
French-Native Diplomacy in the Seventeenth Century

Love Strong as Death
Lucy Peel’s Canadian Journal, 1833-1836

Long Night’s Journey into Day
Prisoners of War in Hong Kong and Japan, 1941-1945

On the Edge of Empire
Gender, Race, and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871

Marconi's Miracle
The Wireless Bridging of the Atlantic

Letters of Mayo Lind, The

When Poetry Ruled the Streets
The French May Events of 1968


Ride to Modernity
The Bicycle in Canada, 1869-1900

Death and Money in The Afternoon
A History of the Spanish Bullfight

The Canoe in Canadian Cultures

Between Damnation and Starvation
Priests and Merchants in Newfoundland Politics, 1745-1855

The Satellite Sex
The Media and Women’s Issues in English Canada, 1966-1971

Making a Capital - Constuire une capitale
Told By The Old People Of Many Tribes

The People’s Boat
<i>HMSC Oriole:</i> Ship of a Thousand Dreams

Frank Gowen's Vancouver

Diamond Hitch
The Pioneer Guides and Outfitters of Banff and Jasper

Tolerance and Intolerance
Social Conflict in the Age of the Crusades

From Rupert's Land to Canada
Essays in Honour of John E. Foster
The Polish-Lithuanian State, 1386-1795
The Politics of Nationalism in Canada
Cultural Conflict since 1760