Browse Books in History

The Life and Politics of Frank McKenna
Jews in Twentieth Century
An Illustrated History

Storm Signals
More Undiplomatic Diaries, 1962-1971

In the Shadow of a Saint

A Century of Grant MacEwan
Selected Writings

Lost Warships
An Archaeological Tour of War at Sea

First Crossing

Joyce Wieland: Artist on Fire
Artist on Fire

Two Wolves at the Dawn of Time
Kingcome Inlet Pictographs, 1893-1998

Love, Marriage, and Family in the Middle Ages
A Reader

The Embroidered Couch
An Erotic Novel of China

The Royal Book of Lists
An Irreverent Romp through British Royal History

A Toronto Album
Glimpses of the City That Was

Dawn of Victory

Sky Train
Stories from CBC's Fresh Air

The A B C of Armageddon
Bertrand Russell on Science, Religion, and the Next War, 1919-1938

There Was A Piper, A Scottish Piper
Memoirs of Pipe Major John T. MacKenzie

From Civil to Political Religion
The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics

Between Babel and Pentecost
Transnational Pentecostalism in Africa and Latin America

The Invasion of Canada

The National Dream
The Great Railway, 1871-1881

The Last Spike
The Great Railway, 1881-1885

Superior Rendezvous-Place
Fort William in the Canadian Fur Trade
Andean Worlds
Indigenous History, Culture, and Consciousness under Spanish Rule, 1532-1825