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Browse Books in History

The Rise of Agrarian Democracy

The United Farmers and Farm Women of Alberta, 1909-1921

by (author) Bradford James Rennie

Louisbourg 1758

Wolfe's first siege

by (author) Rene Chartrand
illustrated by Patrice Courcelle

Merchants, Mamluks, and Murder

The Political Economy of Trade in Eighteenth-Century Basra

by (author) Thabit A.J. Abdullah

The Thousandth Man

A Biography of James McGregor Stewart

by (author) Barry Cahill

Doing Good

The Life of Toronto's General Hospital

by (author) J.T.H. Connor

Sikh Ethnonationalism and the Political Economy of Punjab

by (author) Shinder Purewal

Mackenzie King and the Prairie West

by (author) Robert Wardhaugh

The Unfinished Mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti

An Edition and English Translation of His Dialogue on Mechanics, 1576

by (author) Walter Laird

Ontario Since Confederation

A Reader

edited by Edgar-Andre Montigny & Lori Chambers

Doing Good

The Life of Toronto's General Hospital

by (author) J.T.H. Connor

The Education of a Canadian

My Life as a Scholar and Activist

by (author) Gordon Skilling

Education of a Canadian

My Life as a Scholar and Activist

by (author) Gordon Skilling

Toronto Street Names

An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins

by (author) Leonard Wise & Allan Gould

Doing Good

The Life of Toronto's General Hospital

by (author) J.T.H. Connor

The Art of Nation-Building

Pageantry and Spectacle at Quebec's Tercentenary

by (author) H.V. Nelles

Roughing it in the Suburbs

Reading Chatelaine Magazine in the Fifties and Sixties

by (author) Valerie Korinek

An exhortation to the diligent studye of scripture and An exposition into the seventh chaptre of the pistle to the Corinthians

edited by Douglas H. Parker

The World of the Early Sienese Painter

by (author) Hayden B.J. Maginnis

The People of Denendeh

Ethnohistory of the Indians of Canada's Northwest Territories

by (author) June Helm

The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2)

by (author) Rene Chartrand
illustrated by Bill Younghusband

A Beauty That Hurts

Life and Death in Guatemala, 2nd Edition - Revised and Expanded

by (author) George Lovell

Demography, State and Society

Irish Migration to Britain, 1921-1971

by (author) Enda Delaney

Unforeseen Legacies

Reuben Wells Leonard and the Leonard Foundation Trust

by (author) Bruce Ziff

Thomas Scott's Body

And Other Essays on Early Manitoba History

by (author) J.M. Bumsted

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