Browse Books in History

Policing and Punishment in London 1660-1750
Urban Crime and the Limits of Terror

A Way of Life That Does Not Exist
Canada and the Extinguishment of the Innu

Women and the White Man's God
Gender and Race in the Canadian Mission Field

Making Native Space
Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia

Alberta Titans
From Rags to Riches During Alberta's Pioneer Days

Country post
Rural postal service in Canada, 1880 to 1945

Courrier est arrivé
La poste rurale au Canada de 1880 à 1945

Salish Elders

Nellie McClung

Diocese of Canterbury
Soldiers of Christ
Preaching in Late Medieval and Reformation France

Art and the German Bourgeoisie
Alfred Lichtwark and Modern Painting in Hamburg, 1886-1914

Image and Remembrance
Representation and the Holocaust

Making Ends Meet
Farm Women's Work in Manitoba

Tales from the Attic
Practical Advice on Preserving Heirlooms and Collectibles

Colonial Justice
Justice, Morality, and Crime in the Niagara District, 1791-1849

The Bruce Beckons
The Story of Lake Huron's Great Peninsula

Judging Bertha Wilson
Law as Large as Life

As I Remember Them
Childhood in Quebec and Why We Came West

Many Faces of Gender
Roles and Relationships through Time in Indigenous Northern Communities

Colonial Justice
Justice, Morality, and Crime in the Niagara District, 1791-1849

Judging Bertha Wilson
Law as Large as Life

Notes to the University of Toronto
A History

As I Remember Them
Childhood in Quebec and Why We Came West