Browse Books in History

The Invention of Comfort
Sensibilities and Design in Early Modern Britain and Early America

A Heritage of Light
Lamps and Lighting in the Early Canadian Home

Making Contact
Maps, Identity, and Travel

Family Secrets
Crossing the Colour Line

Napoleon's Guns 1792-1815 (1)
Field Artillery

Order and Place in a Colonial City
Patterns of Struggle and Resistance in Georgetown, British Guiana,1889-1924

Family Life and Sociability in Upper and Lower Canada, 1780-1870
A View from Diaries and Family Correspondence

Veterans of the North

Clerical Ideology in a Revolutionary Age
The Guadalajara Church and the Idea of the Mexican Nation, 1788-1853

Different Drummers
Jazz in the Culture of Nazi Germany

The spoken word
Oral culture in Britain, 1500-1850

Organizing Rural Women
The Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 1897-1919

Creating the Welfare State in France, 1880-1940

Lake Simcoe and Lake Couchiching

Dundurn Castle

The Chance of War
Canadian Soldiers in the Balkans 1992-1995

Talking Heads Talking Arms
Volume 3: Playing the Ostrich

Reflections on Canadian Character
From Monarch Park to Monarch Mountain

China Diary
The Life of Mary Austin Endicott

For the Love of the Game
Amateur Sport in Small-Town Ontario, 1838-1895

The Mad Trapper

Undelivered Letters to Hudson's Bay Company Men on the Northwest Coast of America, 1830-57

Male witches in early modern Europe
The Righteous
The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust