Browse Books in History
The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787
The Enlightenment Debate on Toleration
Biological Sciences at the National Research Council of Canada
The Early Years to 1952
Recollections of Waterloo College
Florence Nightingale on Society and Politics, Philosophy, Science, Education and Literature
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 5
Florence Nightingale’s Spiritual Journey: Biblical Annotations, Sermons and Journal Notes
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 2
Florence Nightingale on Mysticism and Eastern Religions
Collected Works of Florence Nightingale, Volume 4
The Life Writings of Mary Baker McQuesten
Victorian Matriarch
Seven Eggs Today
The Diaries of Mary Armstrong, 1859 and 1869
Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Sardis and Smyrna
Robert Thorne Coryndon
Proconsular Imperialism in Southern and Eastern Africa, 1897-1925
War and Diplomacy across the Pacific, 1919-1952
The Correspondence of Iu Samarin and Baroness Rahden
Paul Cardinal Cullen and the Shaping of Modern Irish Catholicism
The Postwar Novel in Canada
Narrative Patterns and Reader Response
The Noble Savage
Allegory of Freedom
Francisco Giner de los Rios
A Spanish Socrates
Methodist Education in Peru
Social Gospel, Politics, and American Ideological andEconomic Penetration, 1888–1930
Mobilization for Total War
The Canadian, American and British Experience 1914-1918, 1939-1945
Physics at the National Research Council of Canada
Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World
Althusius on Community and Federalism
Three Argentine Thinkers
Les sciences religieuses au Québec depuis 1972
The Fixed and the Fickle
Religion and Identity in New Zealand
Henry Fielding
A Political Writer