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Browse Books in History

The Lawman

Adventures of a Frontier Diplomat

by (author) Lynne Stonier-Newman

Race for Real Sailors, A

Bluenose and the International Fisherman's Cup 1920 - 1938

by (author) Keith McLaren
introduction by Silver Cameron

River of Memory

The Everlasting Columbia

by (author) William D. Layman

Survival Strategies

The Life, Death and Renaissance of a Canadian Teaching Hospital

edited by David Goyette, Dennis William Magill & Jeff Denis

Canada: The State of the Federation, 2004

Municipal-Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada

by (author) Robert Young & Christian Leuprecht

Guidebook to the Historic Sites of the War of 1812

2nd Edition, Revised and Updated

by (author) Gilbert Collins

War on the Home Front

The Farm Diaries of Daniel MacMillan, 1914-1927

by (author) Daniel MacMillan
edited by Bill Parenteau & Stephen Dutcher

Art of the Totem

by (author) David Hancock & Marius Barbeau

Macedonian Warrior

Alexander's elite infantryman

by (author) Waldemar Heckel & Ryan Jones
illustrated by Christa Hook

Adages IV iii 1 to V ii 51

Collected Works of Erasmus

by (author) Desiderius Erasmus
translated by Betty I. Knott-Sharpe
edited and translated by John N. Grant

Against the Draft

Essays on Conscientious Objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War

by (author) Peter Brock

Lost Bonanzas of Western Canada

Volume 1

edited by Garnet Basque

No Insignificant Part

The Rhodesia Native Regiment and the East Africa Campaign of the First World War

by (author) Timothy J. Stapleton

Ghost Towns & Mining Camps of Vancouver Island

by (author) T.W. Paterson & Garnet Basque

Canada's World War II Aces

Heroic Pilots & Gunners of the Wartime Skies

by (author) Larry Gray

Alberta Formed - Alberta Transformed

by (author) Alberta 2005 Centennial History Society
edited by Michael Payne, Donald G. Wetherell & Catherine Cavanaugh

Social Policy and Practice in Canada

A History

by (author) Alvin Finkel

Lighthouse Legacies

by (author) Chris Mills

Not Paved With Gold

Italian-Canadian Immigrants in the 1970s

by (author) Vincenzo Pietropaolo
preface by Nino Ricci

Historic Black Nova Scotia

by (author) Henry Bishop & Bridglal Pachai

Pearson's Prize

by (author) John Melady

Shadow People

Inside History's Most Notorious Secret Societies

by (author) John Lawrence Reynolds

Renegade Women of Canada

The Wild, Outrageous, Daring and Bold

by (author) Marina Michaelides

A Gentleman of Substance

The Life and Legacy of John Redpath (1796-1869)

by (author) Richard Feltoe

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