Browse Books in History

Indian Tribes of the Northwest

Prairie West School Division
A Rural Legacy

Susanna Moodie

Shape of the Great Pyramid, The

Truth and Compassion
Essays on Judaism and Religion in Memory of Rabbi Dr Solomon Frank

Religion and Culture in Canada

The Rhetoric of the Babylonian Talmud, Its Social Meaning and Context

Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada

Leopoldo Zea
From Mexicanidad to a Philosophy of History

The Postwar Novel in Canada
Narrative Patterns and Reader Response

Methodist Education in Peru
Social Gospel, Politics, and American Ideological andEconomic Penetration, 1888–1930

Vladimir Solov’ev and the Knighthood of the Divine Sophia

Education as and for Legitimacy
Developments in West Indian Education Between 1846 and 1895

War and Diplomacy across the Pacific, 1919-1952

Between a Rock and a Hard Place
A Historical Geography of the Finns in the Sudbury Area

Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Sardis and Smyrna

Between Worlds
A Study of the Plays of John Webster

The Free Church in Victorian Canada, 1844-1861

Biological Sciences at the National Research Council of Canada
The Early Years to 1952

Hindu Iconoclasts
Rammohun Roy, Dayananda Sarasvati, and Nineteenth-Century Polemics against Idolatry

The Retrospective Review (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth Century Poetry

Mobilization for Total War
The Canadian, American and British Experience 1914-1918, 1939-1945

The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature

The Noble Savage
Allegory of Freedom