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Browse Books in History

Reaching Outward and Upward

The University of Victoria, 1963-2013

by (author) Ian MacPherson

Strategy and Command

The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1914

by (author) Roy A. Prete

Imperial Immigrants

The Scottish Settlers in the Upper Ottawa Valley, 1815–1840

by (author) Michael E. Vance

Imperial Immigrants

Scottish Settlers in the Upper Ottawa Valley, 1815–1840

by (author) Michael E. Vance

The Energy of Slaves

Oil and the New Servitude

by (author) Andrew Nikiforuk

Excavating Modernity

The Roman Past in Fascist Italy

by (author) Joshua Arthurs

None Is Too Many

Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948

by (author) Irving Abella & Harold Troper

The Moral Lives of Israelis

Reinventing the Dream State

by (author) David Berlin

The Idea of Popular Schooling in Upper Canada

Print Culture, Public Discourse, and the Demand for Education

by (author) Anthony Di Mascio

Seeking a Better Future

The English Pioneers of Ontario and Quebec

by (author) Lucille H. Campey

Madness, Betrayal and the Lash

The Epic Voyage of Captain George Vancouver

by (author) Stephen R. Bown

Mafia Inc.

The Long, Bloody Reign of Canada's Sicilian Clan

by (author) Andre Cedilot & Andre Noel

Perspectives on Mughal India

Rulers, Historians, 'Ulama and Sufis

by (author) Sajida Sultana Alvi

A Geography of Blood

Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape

by (author) Candace Savage

Haunted Hamilton

The Ghosts of Dundurn Castle and Other Steeltown Shivers

by (author) Mark Leslie

Canadians with Custer

by (author) Mary Thomas

From Manila to Manitoba

Winnipeg's Filipino Health Professionals (c. 1950-1970)

by (author) Darlyne Bautista

You Might be from Saskatchewan If....

by (author) Carson Demmans & Jason Sylvestre

Red River Remembered

A Bicentennial Collection of Stories and Recipes

by (author) Noni Campbell-Horner

Back to the Front

An Accidental Historian Walks the Trenches of World War I

by (author) Stephen O'Shea


The Assassination of Digna Ochoa

by (author) Linda Diebel

The Encyclopedia of Canadian Organized Crime

From Captain Kidd to Mom Boucher

by (author) Peter Edwards & Michel Auger

My Heart's Best Wishes for You

A biography of Archbishop John Walsh

by (author) John P. Comiskey

Fire Along the Frontier

Great Battles of the War of 1812

by (author) Alastair Sweeny

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