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Browse Books in History

Fighting Words

Canada's Best War Reporting

by (author) Mark Bourrie

The Call to Arms

The 1812 Invasions of Upper Canada

by (author) Richard Feltoe

Russia in 1913

by (author) Wayne Dowler

Last Viking, The

The Life of Roald Amundsen

by (author) Stephen Bown

British Columbia

A New Historical Atlas

by (author) Derek Hayes

Within the Barbed Wire Fence

A Japanese Man's Account of his Internment in Canada

by (author) Takeo Ujo Nakano
foreword by Leatrice M. Willson Chan

True Stories from Nova Scotia's Past

by (author) Dianne Marshall

Titans of '72

Team Canada's Summit Series Heroes

by (author) Mike Leonetti
foreword by Roy MacGregor
photographs by Harold Barkley

Frozen in Time

The Fate of the Franklin Expedition

by (author) Owen Beattie & John Geiger
introduction by Margaret Atwood
foreword by Wade Davis


Sex, Scandal, and Suffering Behind the Symbol of Perfection

by (author) Deirdre Kelly

Ruling by Schooling Quebec

Conquest to Liberal Governmentality - A Historical Sociology

by (author) Bruce Curtis

The Balkans: Nationalism, War, and the Great Powers, 1804-2012

New and Updated

by (author) Misha Glenny

Her Voice, Her Century

Four Plays About Daring Women

by (author) David Cheoros, Karen Simonson & Debbie Marshall

Beyond Beauty

Hunting the Wild Blue Poppy

by (author) Bill Terry

The Spencer Mansion

A House, a Home, and an Art Gallery

by (author) Robert Ratcliffe Taylor


by (author) George Jonas

Extraordinary Canadians: Mordecai Richler

A Penguin Lives Biography

by (author) M.G. Vassanji

Extraordinary Canadians:Stephen Leacock

by (author) Margaret MacMillan

Extraordinary Canadians Pierre Elliott Trudeau

A Penguin Lives Biography

by (author) Nino Ricci

Extraordinary Canadians: Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine and Robert Baldwin

by (author) John Ralston Saul

The Uncertain Business of Doing Good

Outsiders in Africa

by (author) Larry Krotz

Catch That Tiger

Churchill's Secret Order That Launched the Most Astounding and Dangerous Mission of World War II

by (author) Noel Botham & Bruce Montague

Kwakwa̲ka̲'wakw Settlements, 1775-1920

A Geographical Analysis and Gazetteer

by (author) Robert Galois

Lost Girls

Sex and Death in Renaissance Florence

by (author) Nicholas Terpstra

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