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Browse Books in History

Author, Reader, Book

Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice

edited by Stephen Partridge & Erik Kwakkel

Canadians and the Natural Environment to the Twenty-First Century

by (author) Neil S. Forkey

Letters from a Lady Rancher

by (author) Monica Hopkins

People of the Buffalo

How the Plains Indians Lived

by (author) Maria Campbell

Snowmobile Adventures

The Incredible Canadian Success from Bombardier to the Villeneuves

by (author) Linda Aksomitis

Roberta Bondar

The Exceptional Achievements of Canada's first Woman Astronaut

by (author) Joan Dixon

Sailing to Babylon - Poems

by (author) James Pollock
foreword by Jeffery Donaldson

The Acts of Alexander III King of Scots 1249 -1286

Regesta Regum Scottorum Vol 4 Part 1

edited by Cynthia J. Neville & Grant Simpson

Stephen Leacock's Mariposa

One Hundred Years of Sunshine, a Walking Tour of Orillia

by (author) Daphne Mainprize
foreword by James A. "Pete" McGarvey
introduction by Carl Spadoni

Recalling the Buffalo

The Martin S. Garretson Collection

by (author) Ken Tingley

Lighthouses of New Brunswick

Past and Present

by (author) Kraig Anderson & Kelly Anne Loughery

Adventurers Of The Far North

by (author) Stephen Leacock

On Common Ground

The Ongoing Story of the Commons in Niagara-on-the-Lake

by (author) Richard D. Merritt

The Glittering Mountains of Canada

A Record of Exploration and Pioneer Ascents in the Canadian Rockies, 1914-1924

by (author) J. Monroe Thorington
foreword by Robert William Sandford

The Colonization of Mi'kmaw Memory and History, 1794-1928

The King v. Gabriel Sylliboy

by (author) William C. Wicken

Fractured Homeland

Federal Recognition and Algonquin Identity in Ontario

by (author) Bonita Lawrence

Indonesia Journal

April 2012

edited by Joshua Barker & Eric Tagliacozzo


The Jack Hickey Story

by (author) Bruce Stagg

Labour Goes to War

The CIO and the Construction of a New Social Order, 1939-45

by (author) Wendy Cuthbertson

My Life for the Book

The Memoirs of a Russian Publisher

by (author) Ivan D. Sytin, Charles A. Ruud & Marina E. Soroka

Bravest Canadian

The Story of Fritz Peters and Two World Wars

by (author) Sam McBride

Saharan Frontiers

Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa

edited by James McDougall & Judith Scheele
contributions by Peregrine Horden, E. Ann McDougall, Katia Schörle, Charles Grémont, Olivier Leservoisier, Armelle Chopin, Laurence Marfaing, Dida Badi, Mohamed Oudada, Julien Brachet & Fatma Oussedik

Winnipeg Beach

Leisure and Courtship in a Resort Town, 1900-1967

by (author) Dale Barbour

Battle for the Bay

The Naval War of 1812

by (author) Joshua M. Smith

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