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Browse Books in Research


Rendering Self Through Arts-Based Living Inquiry

edited by Rita L. Irwin & Alex de Cosson
foreword by William F. Pinar

Shaping Academia for the Public Good

Critical Reflections on the CHSRF/CIHR Chair Program

edited by Louise Potvin & Pat Armstrong

Engaging in Action Research

A Practical Guide to Teacher-Conducted Research for Educators and School Leaders

by (author) Jim Parsons, Kurtis Hewson, Lorna Adrian & Nicole Day

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines

edited by Kathleen McKinney
foreword by Mary Taylor Huber
contributions by Cheryl M. Albers, Curtis D. Bennett, Jeffrey L. Bernstein, Angela Bauer-Dantoin, Nancy L. Chick, Tyler B. Christensen, Jacqueline M. Dewar, Arlene J. Díaz, Regan A.R. Gurung, Beth M. Schwartz, Liz Grauerholz, Melissa Gresalfi, Katherine D. Kearns, Eric Main, Antonio E. Mateiro, Joan Middendorf, David Pace, Caroline Hodges Persell, Gary Poole, Nancy Randall, David A. Reichard, Jennifer Meta Robinson, Lauren Scharff, Leah Shopkow, April K. Sievert, Kathy Takayama, Carmen Werder & Miriam E. Zolan

L’ Évaluation de la littératie

edited by Marie Josée Berger & Alain Desrochers

L' Évaluation de la littératie

edited by Marie Josée Berger & Alain Desrochers

Fondements des pratiques professionnelles des enseignants

edited by Philippe Maubant & Stéphane Martineau

Des Écoles en mouvement

Inclusion d'élèves en situation de handicap ou éprouvant des difficultés à l'école

edited by Nathalie Bélanger & Hermann Duchesne

Enjeux contemporains de l'éducation scientifique et technologique

edited by Abdelkrim Hasni & Joël Lebeaume

Lire le monde

Les littératies multiples et l'éducation dans les communautés francophones

edited by Diana Masny

La Formation et le développement professionnel des enseignants en sciences, technologie et mathématiques

edited by Christine Couture & Liliane Dionne

La Reconnaissance professionnelle en éducation

Évaluer, valoriser, légitimer

edited by Anne Jorro

A Common Countenance

Stability and Change in the Canadian Curriculum

by (author) George S. Tomkins
foreword by William F. Pinar & Neil Sutherland

Francophonie, minorités et pédagogie

edited by Phyllis Dalley & Sylvie Roy

Youth, Identity, and Digital Media

edited by David Buckingham

Recherche en éducation en milieu minoritaire francophone

edited by Yves Herry & Catherine Mougeot

Les Compétences professionnelles en enseignement et leur évaluation

edited by Louise Bélair, Dany Laveault & Christine Lebel

Whose Canada?

Continental Integration, Fortress North America, and the Corporate Agenda

by (author) Ricardo Grinspun & Yasmine Shamsie

Les Littératies

Perspectives linguistique, familiale et culturelle

edited by Anne-Marie Dionne & Marie Josée Berger

Mystics and Scholars

The Calgary Conference on Mysticism 1976

edited by Harold Coward
by (author) Terence Penelhum

Narrative Inquiry

Experience and Story in Qualitative Research

by (author) D. Jean Clandinin & F. Michael Connelly

Class Warfare

The Assault On Canada's Schools

by (author) Maude Barlow & Heather-Jane Robertson

Community Development Across the World

by (author) Hubert Campfens

Community Development Around the World

Practice, Theory, Research, Training

edited by Hubert Campfens

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