Browse Books in Art
Anna Torma
Through the Eye of the Needle
The Cult of Happiness
Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural North China
The Exploits of Genny O
Artes Mundi
Wales International Visual Art Prize
Obsession, Compulsion, Collection
On Objects, Display Culture and Interpretation
Gillian Collyer, Marla Hlady, Rhonda Weppler & Trevor Mahovsky
Japanese Children's Fabrics
The Hollywood Films of Douglas Gordon
R.S. McLaughlin Collects
Erik Edson
Machine Life
Colm MacCool and Peter McFarlane
Lorna Mills
Reality Show
or a Darn Good Hat Act
Corruption of Reality
Redefining Realsim: Robert-Ralph Carmichael, Rosemary Sloot, Olexander Wlasenko
Stacey Lancaster
The Trailer Series
2nd Site
Jennifer Murphy, Tony Romano, Colin Stark
Kevin Yates
My Ex-Girlfriend is a Slut
Mavourneen Trainor
Jackson Pollock: Memories Arrested in Space
Memories Arrested in Space
Legitimizing the Artist
Manifesto Writing and European Modernism 1885-1915
Inspired Halifax
Framing Nature
The Picturesque Tradition in Landscape
Spirit of the West
The Art of Don Brestler