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Browse Books in Art

Solar Dance

Genius, Forgery and the Crisis of Truth in the Modern Age

by (author) Modris Eksteins

Chefs-d'oeuvre de la Galerie d'art Beaverbrook

edited by Terry Graff

Masterworks from the Beaverbrook Art Gallery (Special edition)

edited by Terry Graff

Masterworks from the Beaverbrook Art Gallery

edited by Terry Graff

Glorify the Empire

Japanese Avant-Garde Propaganda in Manchukuo

by (author) Annika A. Culver

The Memory of Water

by (author) Allen Smutylo

Milestones on a Golden Road

Writing for Chinese Socialism, 1945-80

by (author) Richard King


A Guide to Northern-Style Métis Moccasins

by (author) Gregory Scofield & Amy Briley
introduction by Sherry Farrell Racette

Drawn Together

Maintaining Connections and Navigating Life's Challenges with Art—A Father Daughter Story

by (author) Katarina Thorsen
with Roar Thorsen

Exercises in Kinesthetic Drawing and Other Drawing

by (artist) Aaron Carpenter
edited by Jonathan Middleton

Versified Prints

A Literary and Cultural Phenomenon in Eighteenth-Century France

by (author) W. McAllister Johnson

Millennial Masculinity

Men in Contemporary American Cinema

contributions by Timothy Shary, R. Barton Palmer, Christopher Sharrett, Gina Marchetti, Aaron Taylor, Caetlin Benson-Allott, Mike Chopra-Gant, Melvin Donalson, Mark Gallagher, David Greven, Claire Sisco King, Neal King, Donna Peberdy, Chris Robé & Maria San Filippo

Out of the Wood

by (author) Rosemary Kilbourn

Milutin Gubash

foreword by Sylvain Campeau
text by Sandra Dyck

Cult of the Will

Nervousness and German Modernity

by (author) Michael Cowan

Joy of Zentangle

Drawing Your Way to Increased Creativity, Focus, and Well-Being

by (author) Marie Browning, Suzanne McNeill & Sandy Bartholomew

Other Tongues

Mixed Race Women Speak Out

edited by Adebe DeRango-Adem & Andrea Thompson

Living the Edges

A Disabled Women's Reader

edited by Diane Driedger

The Science of Culture and the Phenomenology of Styles

by (author) Renato Barilli
translated by Corrado Federici

Joe’s Ontario

by (artist) Mendelson Joe
preface by Silcox David

The Spacious Margin

Eighteenth-Century Printed Books and the Traces of Their Readers

by (author) Sylvia Brown & John Considine

Laura Muntz Lyall

Impressions of Women and Childhood

by (author) Joan Murray

A Concise History of Canadian Painting

by (author) Dennis Reid

Art Inspired by the Canadian Rockies, Purcell Mountains and Selkirk Mountains 1809 - 2012

by (author) Nancy Townshend

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