Browse Books in Art

Art at the Service of War
Canada, Art, and the Great War

Portraiture and Photography in Africa

A Short History of the Italian Renaissance

Jack Chambers' Red and Green
Decrypted by Tom Smart

My True Love Gave to Me
Twelve Days of Christmas

Animals with Sharpies

Mount Robson
Spiral Road of Art

African Art, Interviews, Narratives
Bodies of Knowledge at Work

Transnationalism, Activism, Art

An Aesthesia of Networks
Conjunctive Experience in Art and Technology

Emily Carr Collected

Tom Thomson 2014
Bilingual (English/French)

International Indigenous Art

Paintings of Contemporary Artists

Loteria Jarocha
Linoleum Prints

Cover and Uncover
Eric Cameron

African Art and Agency in the Workshop

Contemporary Works by Arab, Iranian, and Turkish Artists

Moving without a Body
Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thoughts

The Artist in the Cloister
The Life and Works of Father Dunstan Massey

Out and About in Victoria's Neighbourhoods

The Video Art of Sylvia Safdie

Women's Work, Women's Art
Nineteenth-Century Northern Athapaskan Clothing

A Vital Force
The Canadian Group of Painters