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Browse Books in Art

Art at the Service of War

Canada, Art, and the Great War

by (author) Maria Tippett

Portraiture and Photography in Africa

edited by John Peffer & Elisabeth L. Cameron
contributions by Raoul Birnbaum, Jürg Schneider, Erin Haney, Erika Nimis, Z.S. Strother, Christraud M. Geary, Isolde Brielmaer, Liam Buckley, Jean Borgatti, Rowland O. Abiodun, Candace M. Keller & Till Förster

A Short History of the Italian Renaissance

by (author) Kenneth R. Bartlett

Jack Chambers' Red and Green

Decrypted by Tom Smart

by (author) Tom Smart

My True Love Gave to Me

Twelve Days of Christmas

illustrated by Scott McKowen

Animals with Sharpies

by (author) Michael Dumontier & Neil Farber

Mount Robson

Spiral Road of Art

by (author) Jane Lytton Gooch

African Art, Interviews, Narratives

Bodies of Knowledge at Work

by (author) Joanna Grabski & Carol Magee
contributions by Patrick McNaughton, Joseph F. Jordan, Silvia Forni, Akinbode Akinbiyi, Kim Miller, Andrea E. Frohne, Mary Jo Arnoldi, Christine Mullen Kreamer, Allan deSouza & Allyson Purpura

Transnationalism, Activism, Art

edited by Kit Dobson & Aine McGlynn

An Aesthesia of Networks

Conjunctive Experience in Art and Technology

by (author) Anna Munster

Emily Carr Collected


by (author) Ian Thom

Tom Thomson 2014

Bilingual (English/French)

by (artist) Tom Thomson


International Indigenous Art

by (author) Greg Hill & Candice Hopkins


Paintings of Contemporary Artists

foreword by Sujean Rim
introduction by Leslie Dutcher

Loteria Jarocha

Linoleum Prints

by (artist) Alec Dempster

Cover and Uncover

Eric Cameron

edited by Ann Davis
contributions by Peggy Gale, Diana Nemiroff & Thierry de Duve

African Art and Agency in the Workshop

edited by Sidney Littlefield Kasfir & Till Förster
contributions by Nicolas Argenti, Jessica Gershultz, Norma Wolff, Christine Scherer, Silvia Forni, Elizabeth Morton, Alexander Bortolot, Brenda Schmahmann, Chika Okeke-Agulu, Karen E. Milbourne & Namubiru Rose Kirumira


Contemporary Works by Arab, Iranian, and Turkish Artists

edited by Fereshteh Daftari & Jill Baird

Moving without a Body

Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thoughts

by (author) Stamatia Portanova

The Artist in the Cloister

The Life and Works of Father Dunstan Massey

by (author) Daphne Sleigh


Out and About in Victoria's Neighbourhoods

by (author) Anny Scoones
illustrated by Robert Amos

The Video Art of Sylvia Safdie

by (author) Eric Lewis

Women's Work, Women's Art

Nineteenth-Century Northern Athapaskan Clothing

by (author) Judy Thompson

A Vital Force

The Canadian Group of Painters

by (author) Alicia Boutilier & Anna Hudson

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