Browse Books in Art

Rodney Graham

Harold Mortimer-Lamb
The Art Lover

Leonardo and the Last Supper

Harold Mortimer Lamb
The Art Lover

149 Paintings You Really Need to See in Europe
(So You Can Ignore the Others)


Lawren Harris and the Group of Seven

J.E.H. MacDonald, Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven

Tom Thomson

Franklin Carmichael, Arthur Lismer and the Group of Seven

Robert David Symons, Countryman
Artist, Writer, Naturalist, Rancher

Country Boy, A
From Sussex to the Canadian West

In Love with Art
Françoise Mouly's Adventures in Comics with Art Spiegelman

In Love with Art
Francoise Mouly's Adventures in Comics with Art Spiegelman

Christopher Pratt
Six Decades

Army of Lovers
A Community History of Will Munro

The Life and Times of Conrad Black
A Wordless Biography

Ink and Light
The Influence of Claude Lorrain's Etchings on England

Native Art of the Northwest Coast
A History of Changing Ideas

Art Made from Books
Altered, Sculpted, Carved, Transformed

Semblance and Event
Activist Philosophy and the Occurrent Arts

Giuseppe Penone
The Hidden Life Within

Sorel Etrog
Five Decades