McArthur & Company
Books from this publisher

A Hannah and Emily Morgan Mystery

Wandering Wenda
and Widow Wallop's Wunderground Washery

Bashful Bob and Doleful Dorinda

Rude Ramsay and the Roaring Radishes

Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut

Mosquitoes of Summer
A Hannah and Emily Morgan Mystery

Mr. X and the Rainforest Monkey
Get Outta Town! Episode 3
Oliver Crump Is Not A Grump

Mr X and the Cog Train from Heaven
Get Outta Town episode 2

Mr X and the Circle of Death
Get Outta Town episode 1

Heart of the Game
Why Is An Orange Called Orange

I Can Skate

My Favourite Hat

Wittgenstein and the Goshawk
A Fable


One, Two, Three

The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter
A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts