Books for Back to School
New routines, fitting in, making friends, being of all ages have a LOT of feelings about going back to school! Ease the transition with this selection of *new* books to read at home or share in the classroom.

A Sky-Blue Bench

Raj's Rule (For the Bathroom at School)

Grandmother School

Living With Viola

Little Narwhal, Not Alone

Thunder and the Noise Storms

Sometimes I Feel Shy
Inuktitut Edition


Ciel In All Directions

Oliver Bounces Back!

The Undercover Book List

Jordan and Max, Showtime

On the Playground
Our First Talk About Prejudice

He Who Dreams

Muddle School


Bank Shot


The Magic Beads

Both Sides Now

Hold That Thought!

A Kid Is a Kid Is a Kid

I Am Not Starfire

Anne's School Days
Inspired by Anne of Green Gables