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Monique Gray Smith

Monique Gray Smith is a mixed–heritage woman of Cree, Lakota, and Scottish ancestry and a proud mom of twins. Monique is an accomplished consultant, writer and international speaker. Her first novel, Tilly: A Story of Hope and Resilience, won the 2014 Burt Award for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Literature. Monique and her family are blessed to live on Lkwungen territory in Victoria, British Columbia. 

Books by Monique Gray Smith

Dreaming Alongside / ê-pawâtamahk

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt
translated by Dorothy Thunder

Dreaming Alongside

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt

My Heart Fills With Happiness / Mi corazón se llena de alegría

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Lawrence Schimel

You Hold Me Up / Tú me sostienes

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Lawrence Schimel

Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults

Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

by (author) Robin Wall Kimmerer & Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt

I Hope

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard

I Hope / nipakosêyimon

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
translated by Dolores Greyeyes Sand


by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
translated by Rachel Martinez

Tú me sostienes

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Lawrence Schimel

My Heart Fills With Happiness / Nijiikendam

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Angela Mesic & Margaret Noodin

Tu es là pour moi

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Rachel Martinez

You Hold Me Up / Gimanaadenim

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Angela Mesic & Margaret Noodin

My Heart Fills With Happiness / sâkaskinêw nitêh miywêyihtamowin ohci

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Mary Cardinal Collins
edited by Cree Literacy Network

Nous sommes gentils

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt
translated by Rachel Martinez

When We Are Kind / Nihá’ádaahwiinít’íigo

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt
translated by Mildred Walters

Mi corazón se llena de alegría

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Lawrence Schimel

J’ai le cœur rempli de bonheur / sâ kask inêw nitêh miy wêyi htamowin ohci

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
translated by Rachel Martinez, Mary Cardinal Collins & Cree Literacy Network

You Hold Me Up / ê-ohpiniyan

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
translated by Mary Cardinal Collins
edited by Cree Literacy Network

My Heart Fills With Happiness Read-Along

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett
read by Heather Gould

You Hold Me Up Read-Along

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Danielle Daniel
read by Heather Gould

Speaking Our Truth

A Journey of Reconciliation

by (author) Monique Gray Smith

My Heart Fills With Happiness

by (author) Monique Gray Smith
illustrated by Julie Flett