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Children's Fiction Imagination & Play

The Magic Boat Read-Along

by (author) Kit Pearson & Katherine Farris

illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard

read by Heather Gould

Orca Book Publishers
Initial publish date
Mar 2019
Imagination & Play, Environment, Friendship
Recommended Age
3 to 5
Recommended Grade
p to k
Recommended Reading age
3 to 5
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Mar 2019
    List Price

Classroom Resources

Where to buy it


Every summer morning, Ellie and her Nonna go to the beach. They swim and build sandcastles, and while Nonna reads, Ellie watches the other children play.

One day Ellie builds up the courage to approach an older girl playing on her own in a beached rowboat. Piper has a gift, an imagination so great that she whisks Ellie off on grand adventures, going high in the air, deep below the ocean and everywhere in between in their little blue boat, their magic boat. When Piper has to leave, Ellie discovers she has her own vivid imagination.

About the authors

Kit Pearson's profile page

Katherine Farris est n&eacutee &agrave Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Apr&egraves ses &eacutetudes universitaires, elle a d&eacutem&eacutenag&eacute &agrave Toronto, en Ontario, o&ugrave elle a travaill&eacute au magazine Toronto Life, pour l’&eacutediteur Greey de Pencier et pour le magazine OWL. En tant que recherchiste et &eacuteditrice, elle a contribu&eacute &agrave une grande vari&eacutet&eacute de projets : des guides sur le tourisme ferroviaire canadien en passant par des livres de questions et r&eacuteponses pour les enfants. Durant sa carri&egravere, elle s’est mise &agrave peindre. Vivant maintenant &agrave Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique, elle se consacre &agrave l’art et au saxophone alto.

Katherine Farris' profile page


GABRIELLE GRIMARD a illustré plus de 30 albums, dontLes mots volés, Quand j’avais huit ans, Fatima et les voleurs de clémentines, Aujourd'hui peut-être... et les livres de la série Petit Gnouf. Elle est aussi l'auteure-illustratrice de l'album Lila et la corneille. Gabrielle habite aux environs de Montréal.


From the time she was little GABRIELLE GRIMARD loved art, dismaying her elementary school teachers by constantly drawing in class. Later Gabrielle studied art in high school and university. After her son was born, she began illustrating children’s books and has now created more than 25, including When I Was Eight (Quand j'avais huit ans), Stolen Words (Les mots volés) and Not My Girl (Où est ma fille?). Lila and the Crow (Lila et la corneille) is the first book she both wrote and illustrated. She uses watercolours, gouache and oil to create images of amazing warmth and depth. Gabrielle lives near Montreal, QC. Visit her at

Gabrielle Grimard's profile page

Heather Gould is an entrepreneur, artist and voice actor from Victoria, British Columbia.


Heather Gould's profile page


  • Nominated, Forest of Reading Blue Spruce Award
  • Short-listed, City of Victoria Children’s Book Prize

Editorial Reviews

“Pearson and Farris’s text is engaging, moving us seamlessly between reality and imagination…Grimard’s pencil and watercolour illustrations are lovely.”

Canadian Children's Booknews

“The message of reaching out past one’s shyness works well.”

Kiss the Book blog

"Sensitive and imaginative...Grimard’s bright and exuberant illustrations give life to Pearson and Farris’s gentle text."

The Globe and Mail

"Can be used by parents and grandparents, teachers and caregivers to plant the idea in the minds of shy children that they can venture forth in life, because life is an adventure. Recommended"

CM: Canadian Review of Materials

The Magic Boat is a beautiful book with a special story…Grimard’s illustrations are full of colour and summer sunshine, which perfectly complement this beachy and magical story.”

Resource Links

“A beautiful voyage into the imagination…Schools and homes with pre-school children will find this to be a favorite read.”

Must Read Literature: K thru YA

“This heartwarming tale encapsulates the childlike happiness of being at the beach.”

Eight Cousins Bookshop

"Pearson and Farris' prose moves seamlessly from the easy unhurriedness of summer play to the weightier awe of discovery. Grimard keeps visual pace with warm watercolors and pencil-sketched shading and lines that feel light but never fluffy, capturing the dynamic fluidity between real and pretend…Infectiously delightful."

Kirkus Reviews

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