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History Rome

Ancient Coins of the Graeco-Roman World

The Nickle Numismatic Papers

by (author) Waldemar Heckel & Richard Sullivan

Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Initial publish date
Oct 2010
Rome, Greece, Coins, Currency & Medals
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Oct 2010
    List Price
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Mar 1985
    List Price
    $32.95 USD

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Through the ages, coins have been more than a common standard or a means of exchange between peoples for goods and services. The development of coinage gave men freedom to move beyond their communities, served as a propaganda tool for advancing armies and visually showed people the source of politics which governed their lives. Today, these same bits of metal, these ancient video disks, transmit through time information that might otherwise be lost to us.

This volume comprises a selection of papers given at a conference held at the Nickle Museum of The University of Calgary, Alberta, by perhaps the most distinguished gathering of numismatists ever to assemble in North America. Topics include specific coins of the Graeco–Roman world as well as discussions on coinage and propaganda, art, architecture, and archaeology.

Archaeologists, historians, coin collectors, students of the Classics, in fact, anyone who is interested in art and life as it existed in ancient times will be captivated by this collection.

About the authors

Waldemar Heckel is Associate Professor of Classics at The University of Calgary, specializing in Macedonian History and Prosopography. He was also chairman of the Nickle Conference Organizing Committee.

Richard Sullivan is Adjunct Professor of History at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. He is author of numerous articles on the Greek East in Roman times and has a book forthcoming on Eastern Royalty.

Waldemar Heckel's profile page

Richard Sullivan is Adjunct Professor of History at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. He is author of numerous articles on the Greek East in Roman times and has a book forthcoming on Eastern Royalty.

Richard Sullivan's profile page