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Browse Books in Greece

Epistola ad Joannem Millium

by (author) Richard Bentley
introduction by G.P. Goold

Coastal Demes of Attika

A Study of the Policy of Kleisthenes

by (author) C.W.J. Eliot

Euripidean Drama

Myth, Theme and Structure

by (author) Desmond Conacher

Localism in Hellenistic Greece

edited by Sheila Ager & Hans Beck

Plato's Reasons

Logician, Rhetorician, Dialectician

by (author) Christopher W. Tindale

In Defense of Civilization

How Our Past Can Renew Our Present

by (author) Michael R.J. Bonner


And the Birth of Science

by (author) Carlo Rovelli

Entering Hekate's Garden

The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft

by (author) Cyndi Brannen

The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies

by (author) Michael J. MacDonald

Euripidean Drama

Myth, Theme and Structure

by (author) Desmond Conacher

Epistola ad Joannem Millium

by (author) Richard Bentley
introduction by G.P. Goold

Coastal Demes of Attika

A Study of the Policy of Kleisthenes

by (author) C.W.J. Eliot

Creatures Born of Mud and Slime

The Wonder and Complexity of Spontaneous Generation

by (author) Daryn Lehoux

The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies

edited by Michael MacDonald

Houses of Ill Repute

The Archaeology of Brothels, Houses, and Taverns in the Greek World

edited by Allison Glazebrook & Barbara Tsakirgis

Children and Childhood in Classical Athens

by (author) Mark Golden

From Plato to Platonism

by (author) Lloyd P. Gerson

Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World

by (author) Sheila Ager & Reimer Faber

Ancient Coins of the Graeco-Roman World

The Nickle Numismatic Papers

by (author) Waldemar Heckel & Richard Sullivan

Onward to the Olympics

Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games

edited by Gerald P. Schaus & Stephen R. Wenn

Heirs of Achilles

by (author) Alan Edouard Samuel

The Legend of Dion

by (author) Lionel Jehuda Sanders

The Anabasis of Cyrus

by (author) Xenophon
translated by Wayne Ambler
introduction by Eric Buzzetti

The Beginnings of History

Herodotus and the Persian Wars

by (author) James Allan Evans

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