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Young Adult Fiction Skateboarding

Al límite


by (author) Eric Walters

Orca Book Publishers
Initial publish date
Oct 2010
Skateboarding, Diseases, Illnesses & Injuries, Friendship
Recommended Age
12 to 18
Recommended Grade
8 to 12
Recommended Reading age
12 to 18
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Oct 2010
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Oct 2010
    List Price

Classroom Resources

Where to buy it


Phillip vive para el skateboarding. La escuela no es más que un paréntesis entre intentar un aterrizaje difícil y escapar de los guardias de seguridad. Cuando él y su mejor amigo, Wally, conocen a un patinador profesional que graba videos de sus mejores trucos para su sitio web, Phillip decide que ellos pueden hacer lo mismo y ganar un poco de dinero. Pero cuando crean una página propia y empiezan a recibir visitas (y a obtener ganancias), comienzan a sentirse presionados para hacer trucos cada vez más peligrosos.

Philip lives for skateboarding. School is merely the break between trying to land a difficult jump and outrunning the security guards. When he and his best friend Wally meet a professional skateboarder who videotapes himself for his website, Philip thinks they can do it too—and make money at the same time. When they start getting hits on their website—and making money—they start to feel the pressure to do more and more dangerous stunts.

About the author

Eric Walters is the author of many acclaimed and bestselling novels for children and young adults. His novels have won numerous awards, including the Silver Birch, Blue Heron, Red Maple, Snow Willow, Ruth Schwartz, and Tiny Torgi, and have received honours from the Canadian Library Association Book Awards and UNESCO's international award for Literature in Service of Tolerance.

Eric lives in Mississauga with his wife, Anita, and three children, Christina, Nicholas, and Julia. When not writing or touring across the country speaking to school groups, Eric spends time playing or watching soccer and basketball, or playing the saxophone.

To find out more about Eric and his novels, or to arrange for him to speak at your school, visit his website at

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Eric Walters' profile page

Excerpt: Al límite: (Grind) (by (author) Eric Walters)

—Lo único que digo—continuó Wally—es que si le bajaras un poco a la velocidad, sólo un poco, podrías hacer el salto y evitarte las heridas.
—Yo siempre hago los saltos—discutí.
—¿De qué estás hablando?
—Yo hago bien los saltos. Lo que no me sale es el aterrizaje.

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