Browse Books in Cultural
Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity, and Community

The Hot and the Cold
Ills of Humans and Maize in Native Mexico

How We Eat
Appetite, Culture, and the Psychology of Food

Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong
Why We Love France but Not the French

Order and Place in a Colonial City
Patterns of Struggle and Resistance in Georgetown, British Guiana,1889-1924

Anatomy of a Conflict
Identity, Knowledge, and Emotion in Old-Growth Forests

A Way of Life That Does Not Exist
Canada and the Extinguishment of the Innu

Guardians of the Transcendent
An Ethnography of a Jain Ascetic Community

Beyond Fate

An Incorrigible History Of Alberta

Cree Narrative
Expressing the Personal Meanings of Events, Second Edition

Doing Ethics in a Pluralistic World
Essays in Honour of Roger C. Hutchinson

Mapping Social Relations
A Primer in Doing Institutional Ethnography

Cows Don't Know it's Sunday
Agricultural Life in St. John's

Culture, Economy, Power
Anthropology as Critique, Anthropology as Praxis

The Dakota of the Canadian Northwest
Lessons for Survival

Slippery Pastimes
Reading the Popular in Canadian Culture

Grateful Prey
Rock Cree Human-Animal Relationships

The Double Twist
From Ethnography to Morphodynamics

Baby's First Picture
Ultrasound and the Politics of Fetal Subjects

The Global Destruction Of Home
This is Not A Rave

Ernest Buckler
Rediscovery and Reassessment