Browse Books in Cultural

Indian Country
Essays on Contemporary Native Culture

Dark Age Ahead

A World of Relationships
Itineraries, Dreams, and Events in the Australian Western Desert

Svinia in Black and White
Slovak Roma and their Neighbours

Youth and Identity Politics in South Africa, 1990-94

Canada's Francophone Minority Communities
Constitutional Renewal and the Winning of School Governance

Improved Earth
Prairie Space as Modern Artefact, 1869-1944

Obedient Autonomy
Chinese Intellectuals and the Achievement of Orderly Life

What Do They Call a Fisherman?
Men, Gender, and Restructuring in the Newfoundland Fishery

Negotiated Memory
Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse

Honey, We Lost the Kids
Re-thinking childhood in the multimedia age

Mediterranean reconsidered
Representations, emergences, recompositions

mihkwâkamiwi sîpîsis
Stories and Pictures from Metis Elders in Fort McKay

In Praise of Slow
Challenging the Cult of Speed

Shaped by the West Wind
Nature and History in Georgian Bay

The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism
Heidegger, Marx, Nietzsche

Ethnography and Development
The Work of Richard F. Salisbury

Ethnography and Development
The Work of Richard F. Salisbury

Esthétique et recyclages culturels
Explorations de la culture contemporaine

Israel, Diaspora, and the Routes of National Belonging

Points of View

Franco-Americans of New England
Dreams and Realities

Images in Asian Religions
Text and Contexts

Spoken Here
Travels among Threatened Languages