Browse Books in Social Science

Perspectives on Women in the 1980s

Conscience et enquête
L'ethnologie des réalités canadiennes

Ojibwa lexicon

Thule Culture in Western Coronation Gulf, N.W.T.

Site Catchment Analysis of the Little Qualicum River Site, DiSc 1
A Wet Site on the East Coast of Vancouver Island, B.C.

The History of Greenland
1782-1808, Vol. 3

Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1980-1981 / Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels 1980-1981

Biological Relationships of Southern Ontario Woodland Peoples
The Evidence of Discontinuous Cranial Morphology

Once Upon a River
Archaeology and Geology of the Bow River Valley at Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Patterns of Activity-Induced Pathology in a Canadian Inuit Population

The Cree Language is Our Identity
the La Ronge lectures of Sarah Whitecalf

Saga of the Wet Hens

Raincoast Chronicles Six/Ten
The Canadian Fact Book on Poverty--1983
The Metamorphoses of a Myth

Masks of the Prophet
The Theatrical World of Karl Kraus
Millennialism, Utopianism, and Progress
A Victorian Authority
The Daily Press in Late Nineteenth-Century Canada

A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English

A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English

Masks of the Prophet
The Theatrical World of Karl Kraus

The Firm and the Formless
Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia

Book of Gomorrah
An Eleventh-Century Treatise against Clerical Homosexual Practices

Getting There
Producing Photostories with Immigrant Women