Browse Books in Social Science

Prisoners of Isolation
Solitary Confinement in Canada

Modernity and Responsibility
Essays for George Grant

A Theory for all Music
Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of Non-Western Forms

Why Delinquency?

Psychology and the Liberal Consensus

Village Notables in Nineteenth-Century France
Priests, Mayors, Schoolmasters

Blackfoot Crafworker's book

The Creation of Regional Dependency
Advances in Research and Services for Children with P.R. Special Needs

Indian Weaving Knitting Basketry of the Northwest

Testing the Chains
Resistance to Slavery in the British West Indies

Bruno Jasienski
His Evolution from Futurism to Socialist Realism
Social Policies for the Eighties

Haida World Heritage Site

The Politics of Indianness
Case Studies of Native Ethnopolitics in Canada

Blood and Nerves
An Ethnographic Focus on Menopause
Native Children and the Child Welfare System


As Long as the Sun Shines and Water Flows
A Reader in Canadian Native Studies

Ethnohistoric study of eastern James Bay Cree social organization, 1700-1850

Consciousness and inquiry
Ethnology and Canadian realities

Stolen women
Female journeys in Tagish and Tutchone