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Browse Books in Social Science

Sexual Abuse of Children in the 1980s

Ten Essays and an Annotated Bibliography

edited by Benjamin Schlesinger

Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History

The Donald G. Creighton Lectures 1985

by (author) William H. McNeill

First Contract

Women and the Fight to Unionize

by (author) Carole Conde & Karl Beveridge

Images in Action

A Guide to Using Women’s Film and Video

by (author) Ferne Cristall & Barbara Emanuel


Mythology of the Northwest Coast

by (author) Anne Cameron

Natives and Newcomers

Canada's "Heroic Age" Reconsidered

by (author) Bruce Trigger

The Anglo-Saxons

Synthesis and Achievement

edited by David A.E. Pelteret & J. Douglas Woods

Under Pressure

A Study of Job Pressure

by (author) Graham Lowe & Herbert Northcott

The Subarctic Indians and the Fur Trade, 1680-1860

by (author) Colin Yerbury


Exploring the Myth

with Kati Morrison, Airdrie Thompson-Guppy & Patricia Bell
by (author) Canadian Council for Social Development

Sea Change

A Shetland Society, 1970-1979

by (author) Reginald Byron

Quest for Empire

The Sage of Russian America

by (author) Kyra Petrovskaya Wayne

Bargaining in the Governance of Pacific Coastal Resources

Research and Reform

by (author) Anthony H.J. Dorcey

Masters of Tradition

Consequences of Customary Land Tenure in Longana, Vanuatu

by (author) Margaret C. Rodman

Quest for Empire

The Saga of Russian America

by (author) Kyra Wayne

Incredible Eskimo

Life Among the Barren Land Eskimo

by (author) Raymond DeCoccola & Paul King

Bill Reid

Beyond the Essential Form

by (author) Karen Duffek

Family, Economy & State

The Social Reproduction Process Under Capitalism

edited by James Dickinson & Bob Russell

Phonology, dictionary and listing of roots and lexical derivates of the Haisla language of Kitlope and Kitimaat, B.C.: Volume 1

by (author) Neville J. Lincoln & John C. Rath

Let the past go

A life history

narrator Alice Jacob
edited by Sarah Preston

Native Peoples of Canada

An Annotated Bibliography of Population Biology, Health and Illness

edited by D.A. Rokala & C.A. Meikljohn

Phonology, dictionary and listing of roots and lexical derivates of the Haisla language of Kitlope and Kitimaat, B.C.: Volume 2

by (author) Neville J. Lincoln & John C. Rath

Mingan au 19e siècle

Cycles annuels des Montagnais et politique commerciales de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson

by (author) Jacques Frenette

Maliseet-Passamaquoddy verb morphology

by (author) David Fairchild Sherwood

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