Browse Books in Social Science

Changing Structures of Inequality
A Comparative Perspective
The Manitous
The Spiritual World Of The Ojibway

Mapping Social Relations
A Primer in Doing Institutional Ethnography

Mapping Social Relations
A Primer in Doing Institutional Ethnography

When Children Kill
A Social-Psychological Study of Youth Homicide

Discourses of Domination
Racial Bias in the Canadian English-Language Press

The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti
Volume III: The Faunal and Plant Remains

Ancestral Portraits
The Colour of My People

Ending Poverty
A Basic Income for all Canadians

Chasing the Comet
A Scottish-Canadian Life
From Vlad Drakul To The Vampire Lestat
Journaling a Pathway Through Grief
A Guide for Greiving Families

Race, Space, and the Law
Unmapping a White Settler Society

Whiplash and Other Useful Illnesses

Working through Whiteness
International Perspectives

Tortillas and Tomatoes
Transmigrant Mexican Harvesters in Canada

Cows Don't Know it's Sunday
Agricultural Life in St. John's

Culture, Economy, Power
Anthropology as Critique, Anthropology as Praxis

True Stories by Fans for Fans
Women's Wicked Wit
From Jane Austen to Rosanne Barr

If I Just Had Two Wings

A Blackfoot Framework for Decision-Making and Mediation Processes
The Politics of the Welfare State
Canada, Sweden, and the United States

The Dakota of the Canadian Northwest
Lessons for Survival