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Browse Books in Social Science

Let Me Kiss It Better

Elixirs for the Not So Straight and Narrow

by (author) Billeh Nickerson

Welfare Hot Buttons

Women, Work, and Social Policy Reform

by (author) Sylvia Bashevkin

Is Anyone Listening?

Women, Work, And Society

edited by Merle Jacobs

Destination Canada

Immigration Debates and Issues

by (author) Peter Li

Social Policy in Canada

by (author) Ernie Lightman

Tracking Doctor Lonecloud

Showman to Legend Keeper

by (author) Ruth Holmes Whitehead


The Economic Case

by (author) Diane Francis

Haunted Christmas

Ghost Stories

by (author) Jo-Anne Christensen
illustrated by Arlana Anderson-Hale
edited by Shelagh Kubish

Human Portraits and Behavioral Inquiries

edited by Gary O'Bireck & Sheila O'Bireck

Brickyards to Graveyards

From Production to Genocide in Rwanda

by (author) Villia Jefremovas

Democracy Growing Up

Authority, Autonomy, and Passion in Tocqueville's Democracy in America

by (author) Laura Janara


The Impact of the Whiskey Trade on the Blackfoot Nation

by (author) Hugh Dempsey

The Promised Land

Settling the West 1896-1914

by (author) Pierre Berton


Grand Narratives and the Philosophy of the Russian Popular Song since Perestroika

by (author) David MacFadyen

Plain Speaking

Essays on Aboriginal Peoples & the Prairie

edited by Patrick Douaud & Bruce Dawson

Gay Canada

Supplement to Bibliography & Videography

edited by Alex Spence

Promise Of Salt, A

by (author) Lori Miseck

Fences and Windows

Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate

by (author) Naomi Klein

Canción de la tierra

Mitos, leyendas y tradiciones

by (author) Mary Hoffman
illustrated by Jane Ray

Cuentos del sol, la luna y las estrellas

Mitos, leyendas y tradiciones de todas las culturas

by (author) Mary Hoffman
illustrated by Jane Ray

Selling Diversity

Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, and Globalization

by (author) Yasmeen Abu-Laban & Christina Gabriel

Mediating Interpersonal and Small Group Conflict

by (author) Cheryl A. Picard

Kate Rice


by (author) Helen Duncan

From Fear to Freedom

Abused Wives Find Hope and Healing

by (author) Sheila A. Rogers

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