Browse Books in Social Science

Sacred Hunt
A Portrait of the Relationship between Seals and Inuit

Peak Everything (PDF)
Waking Up to the Century of Declines

Aboriginal Policy Research
Health and Well-Being

Cottage Country Ghosts
Ontario Hauntings

Adventures in Eating
Anthropological Experiences in Dining from Around the World

Halloween Trivia
Ghosts, Ghouls, Skeletons, Vampires, Witches, Graveyards, Spiders, Zombies, Haunted Houses

Emancipation Day
Celebrating Freedom in Canada

From Farmers' Fields to Rooftop Gardens-How Canadians are Changing the Way We Eat

Covering Niagara
Studies in Local Popular Culture

Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958

Unions, Equity, and the Path to Renewal

One of the Family
Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan

Urbanizing Frontiers
Indigenous Peoples and Settlers in 19th-Century Pacific Rim Cities

Unsettled Legitimacy
Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era

Quebec Women and Legislative Representation

Sensing Changes
Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953-2003

Lost Kids
Vulnerable Children and Youth in Twentieth-Century Canada and the United States

Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas

The West and Beyond
New Perspectives on an Imagined Region

Unions, Equity, and the Path to Renewal

Totem Pole, The: An Intercultural History
An Intercultural History

A Seafood Lover's Journey to the End of the Food Chain

A History of Ukraine
The Land and Its Peoples, Second Edition

Filthy Lucre
Economics for People Who Hate Capitalism