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Browse Books in Social Science


Tales,beliefs and superstitions from the Maritimes

by (author) Clary Croft

Our Friendly Local Terrorist

by (author) Mary Jo Leddy


A Political Crisis and Its Legacy

by (author) Harry Swain

Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors

Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Traditions

by (author) Charlotte Coté
foreword by Micah McCarty

Canadian Society in the Twenty-First Century, 2nd Edition

A Historical Sociological Approach

by (author) Trevor W. Harrison & John W. Friesen

In Her Own Time

A Class Reunion Inspires a Cultural History of Women

by (author) Maggie Siggins

Million Futures, A

The Remarkable Legacy of the Canadian Millennium Scholarship

by (author) Silver Donald Cameron

Tactical Biopolitics

Art, Activism, and Technoscience

edited by Beatriz Da Costa & Kavita Philip
foreword by Joseph Dumit

Hope in Hell

Inside the World of Doctors Without Borders

by (author) Dan Bortolotti

No Passport

A Discovery of Canada

by (author) Eugene Cloutier & Joyce Marshall

A Million Futures

The Remarkable Legacy of the Canada Millennium Scholarship The Remarkable Legacy of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

by (author) Silver Donald Cameron

Deconstructing Men and Masculinities

by (author) Michael Atkinson

Violence Against Women in Canada

Research and Policy Perspectives

by (author) Holly Johnson & Myrna Dawson

Fairy Tale Films

Visions of Ambiguity

edited by Pauline Greenhill & Sidney Eve Matrix

I Have a Story to Tell You

edited by Seemah C. Berson

The Promise of Sociology

Classical Approaches to Contemporary Society, Second Edition

by (author) Rob Beamish

Solidarities Beyond Borders

Transnationalizing Women's Movements

edited by Pascale Dufour, Dominique Masson & Dominique Caouette

Canada vs United States

How Canada is So Much Better than America

by (author) Jeff Pearce

Butch Is a Noun

by (author) S. Bear Bergman

States of Race

Critical Race Feminism for the 21st Century

edited by Sherene Razack, Malinda Smith & Sunera Thobani

Giants, Cannibals & Monsters

Bigfoot in Native Culture

by (author) Kathy Moskowitz Strain

Law and Society Redefined

by (author) George Pavlich

Torn from Our Midst

Voices of Grief, Healing, and Action from the Missing Indigenous Women Conference, 2008

edited by A. Brenda Anderson, Wendee Kubik & Mary Rucklos Hampton

Barack Obama and the Jim Crow Media

The Return of the Nigger Breakers

by (author) Ishmael Reed

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