Browse Books in Social Science

The Lil'wat World of Charlie Mack

Making and Breaking the Rules
Women in Quebec, 1919-1939

Beyond the Indian Act
Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights

Health Promotion and Quality of Life in Canada
Essential Readings

Against the Grain
Couples, Gender, and the Reframing of Parenting

Work and Labour in Canada, 2nd Edition
Critical Issues

Prescribed Norms
Women and Health in Canada and the United States since 1800

Hungry Mirror, The

Immigration and Canada
Global and Transnational Perspectives

Making a Living
Place, Food, and Economy in an Inuit Community

All or Nothing
A Short History of Abstinence in America

Textual Mothers/Maternal Texts
Motherhood in Contemporary Women’s Literatures

Out of the Shadows
Woman Abuse in Ethnic, Immigrant, and Aboriginal Communities

The Mourner's Dance
What We Do When People Die

People of the Lakes
Stories of Our Van Tat Gwich’in Elders/Googwandak Nakhwach’ànjòo Van Tat Gwich’in

The Making of Social Theory
Order, Reason, and Desire

Martha in the Mirror


Born Southern
Childbirth, Motherhood, and Social Networks in the Old South

Suburb, Slum, Urban Village
Transformations in Toronto’s Parkdale Neighbourhood, 1875-2002

Breadwinning Daughters
Young Working Women in a Depression-Era City, 1929-1939

Islam's Predicament
Perspectives of a Dissident Muslim
Women's Health and Poverty Alleviation in India

Kayak Design - Kit
Scientific Method and Statistical Analysis