Browse Books in Social Science

Civics and Citizenship Course Guide

Co-operative Canada
Empowering Communities and Sustainable Businesses

Longing for Justice
Higher Education and Democracy's Agenda

CHEK Republic
A Revolution in Local Television

Shakespeare, Intermedia, and the Limits of Adaptation

Whose Culture Is It, Anyway?
Community Engagement in Small Cities

How to Breathe Underwater
Field Reports from an Age of Radical Change

Girl Trouble
Panic and Progress in the Lives of Young Women

Negotiations in a Vacant Lot
Studying the Visual in Canada

Arresting Hope
Women Taking Action in Prison Health Inside Out

The First Nations of British Columbia, Third Edition
An Anthropological Overview

Unsettling Assumptions
Tradition, Gender, Drag

How to Help Yourself and Others in Distress or Danger

Any Mummers 'Lowed In?
Christmas Mummering Traditions in Newfoundland and Labrador

Mothering Mennonite

Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism

Have Milk, Will Travel
Adventures in Breastfeeding

Telling Truths
Storying Motherhood

Disabled Mothers
Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers with Disabilities

Mothering and Psychoanalysis
Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives

Motherhood Memoirs
Mothers Creating/Writing Lives

Borrowed Body

Incarcerated Mothers
Oppression and Resistance

Chasing Rainbows
Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices