Browse Books in Social Science

Corridor Talk
Canadian Feminist Scholars Share Stories of Research Partnerships
Chang'an 26 BCE
An Augustan Age in China

Reimagining Cinema
Film at Expo 67

Archives, Ephemeral Cinema, and New Screen Histories in Canada

Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut, Volume 7
Economic Development, Part I

Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut, Volume 8
Economic Development, Part II

Namibia's Rainbow Project
Gay Rights in an African Nation

We Share Our Matters
Two Centuries of Writing and Resistance at Six Nations of the Grand River

The Herbal of al-Ghafiqi
A Facsimile Edition with Critical Essays

Greatly Exaggerated
The Myth of the Death of Newspapers

Toxin Toxout
Getting Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies and Our World

Theorizing Anti-Racism
Linkages in Marxism and Critical Race Theories

Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East, Third Edition

Towards Constructive Change in Aboriginal Communities
A Social Psychology Perspective

Mothers of the Nations
Indigenous Mothering as Global Resistance, Reclaiming and Recovery

Counting on Marilyn Waring
New Advances in Feminist Economics Second Edition

Patricia Hill Collins
Reconceiving Motherhood

Not Exactly As Planned
A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love

Queering Motherhood
Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives

Aboriginal Student Engagement and Achievement
Educational Practices and Cultural Sustainability

Arresting Hope
Women Taking Action in Prison Inside Out

Acquired Tastes
Why Families Eat the Way They Do

Demarginalizing Voices
Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research

Mixed Race Amnesia
Resisting the Romanticization of Multiraciality