Browse Books in Social Science

Liberal Hearts and Coronets
The Lives and Times of Ishbel Marjoribanks Gordon and John Campbell Gordon, the Aberdeens

Apocalypse Delayed
The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses, Third Edition

Small Business and the City
The Transformative Potential of Small Scale Entrepreneurship

Thinking Radical Democracy
The Return to Politics in Post-War France

The Rise of the Diva on the Sixteenth-Century Commedia dell'Arte Stage

The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities

Power and Legitimacy
Law, Culture, and Literature

Maternal Theory
Essential Readings

“I Don't See Color”
Personal and Critical Perspectives on White Privilege

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V23 #2

Milk Fever

What We Hold In Our Hands

Criminal Conspiracies
Organized Crime in Canada

California Mennonites

Fresh Hell
Motherhood in Pieces

Cultural Anthropology
A Perspective on the Human Condition, Fourth Canadian Edition

Meet Me in Venice
A Chinese Immigrant's Journey from the Far East to the Faraway West
From Empire to the World
Migrant London and Paris in the Cinema

Nationhood Interrupted
Revitalizing nêhiyaw Legal Systems

Moving Aboriginal Health Forward
Discarding Canada’s Legal Barriers

Staging Corruption
Chinese Television and Politics

Humans 3.0
The Upgrading of the Species

Street Sex Work and Canadian Cities
Resisting a Dangerous Order

Teenage Troubles
Youth and Deviance in Canada