Browse Books in Social Science

Distorted Descent
White Claims to Indigenous Identity

From Where I Stand
Rebuilding Indigenous Nations for a Stronger Canada

Inuit, Oblate Missionaries, and Grey Nuns in the Keewatin, 1865-1965

Lost Harvests
Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy, Second Edition

Putin Kitsch in America

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V28 #1

Politics of Empowerment
Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform

On Fire
The Burning Case for a Green New Deal

Witnessing Girlhood
Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing

Power Shift
The Longest Revolution

Canadian Law and Indigenous Self‐Determination
A Naturalist Analysis

Boy Wonders
A Memoir of Childhood, Obsession and Growing Up

Más que dos
Una guía para el poliamor ético

Mobilizing Global Knowledge
Refugee Research in an Age of Displacement

Men, Masculinity, and the Indian Act

Native Roots of Modern Democracy

Your Move
What Board Games Teach Us About Life

The Years That Matter Most
How College Makes or Breaks Us

Canoe and Canvas
Life at the Encampments of the American Canoe Association, 1880−1910

Pay No Heed to the Rockets
Life in Contemporary Palestine

The Happiness Policy Handbook
How to Make Happiness and Well-Being the Purpose of Your Government

Bad Judgment – Revised & Updated
The Myths of First Nations Equality and Judicial Independence in Canada

Bad Medicine - Revised & Updated
A Judge’s Struggle for Justice in a First Nations Community – Revised & Updated

Shut Away
When Down Syndrome Was a Life Sentence